We’ve got the right workshop for your situation.
Customize Your Seminar
Maximize your office’s “personable atmosphere” and promote positive staff interaction through the services of TeamWorks! Choose from the following workshops and schedule either half day or full day sessions. Select any combination of tracks to fit your organization’s needs.
Track 08: Building Trust with Staff in the Workplace
Common termites that eat at the foundation of trust in the workplace
Trustworthy leadership
Preventing the meeting after the meeting
Most important elements of maintaining workplace trust
Track 09: Maintaining Professionalism in the Workplace
Professionalism: What does it look like?
Professional ways of managing the unprofessional
Teaching staff “professional standards” in the organization
Setting professional boundaries in the workplace
Track 10: Professional Boundaries in the Workplace
Defining workplace boundaries
Setting your limits
Implementing consequences in a professional way
Track 11: Being a Team Player in the Workplace
Creating and maintaining the team spirit
Professional characteristics of winners
Facing your competition
Putting on your game face
Avoiding losing traits
Track 12: Understanding Leadership Styles in the Workplace
Understanding the four types of leaders
Supporting and motivating your leader
Successfully working with a difficult leader
Motivating your staff through your leadership style
Track 13: Developing Good Communication Skills in the Workplace
Personalities and communication styles
Giving and receiving feedback
Venting or gossip
Mature communicating techniques
Track 14: Understanding Generational Differences in the Workplace
The cultural impact on each generation and how they function at work
The generational views of authority, rewards, and motivations
Bridging the generational communication gap